Research: UniDoc Health Corp.



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UniDoc Health Corp. Aims to Revolutionize Healthcare, Saving BILLIONS of Dollars and Improving Care Worldwide

UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) is one of a handful of companies bringing remote diagnostic and eHealth services to the 4.5 billion people worldwide without access to adequate health care – a market Forbes Magazine estimates at $818.4 billion. As global populations age and need more testing services, this could potentially be the health investment of the decade!

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According to the World Health Organization, there is a catastrophic and growing shortage of healthcare providers worldwide – which means a company like UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) could be perfectly positioned to become “the” key player in how companies provide medical services over the coming decades.

After years of development, the company is launching its advanced AI-assisted diagnostic mini-clinics right now, which could save BILLIONS of dollars in healthcare costs and catapult UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) to world prominence very quickly.

During the Covid pandemic, one of the major failures of the global healthcare system was revealed:  the difficulty in bringing essential diagnostic testing to people who need it most.

For example, a large part of activity in nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities and managed care residences involves transporting elderly people, often by ambulance, to inconveniently located testing facilities far from where they live.

The transportation costs alone run into the hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars annually.

Yet what if a company could do the opposite, bring the diagnostic tests to the patients rather than bringing patients to the tests

Such a simple but dramatic change could vastly improve the quality of care… save billions of dollars in unnecessary costs…  and potentially make early investors sizable profits. 

And that’s precisely what an ambitious healthcare services company named UniDoc Health Corp. is determined to do.

Partnering with companies such as Hewlett Packard, DocBox, Dedalus Healthcare Systems Group, AMD Global Telemedicine, and Intel, UniDoc Health Corp. aims to become the “Apple of eHealth,” integrating and marketing new technologies into their platform as they become available.  These new diagnostic technologies will be combined with an AI-assisted record-keeping and communications system that allows health professionals access to crucial data quickly and privately.

UniDoc (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) is one of a handful of startups working to bring remote diagnostic and eHealth services to nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, pharmacies, military bases, shopping malls, and rural communities worldwide.

Experts believe these companies could revolutionize the healthcare industry by making diagnostic testing convenient and affordable, bringing routine health tests to where people live and saving billions of dollars annually.  

The goal is to ease the worsening shortage of healthcare services worldwide and quickly dominate a global market currently valued at $818.4 billion.

As Forbes Magazine put it, the shortage of healthcare services is “a trillion-dollar industry in the making.”

Catastrophic Shortage of Doctors Could Make Investors Life-Changing Profits

Investors Like eHealth Stocks for a Reason

Teledoc Health, the granddaddy of eHealth stocks, shot up from an adjusted share price of $9.72 in May 2016 after it went public to $292.51 per share at the height of Covid – a gain of 2,909%.

Another eHealth stock, the California software company Veeva Systems, rose from just $20.61 a share in February 2016 to $341 in early August 2021 – an eye-popping 1,554% gain.

And the medical device company Medtronic, which sells remote monitoring and patient-centered software, which sold for as little as $1.30 a share in the early 1990s, skyrocketed to $125 a share by early September 2021.

That’s a 9,515% return on your money:  more than 95 times.

Of course, Teledoc, Veev, and Medtronic have had their runs.

In fact, some eHealth stocks have pulled back sharply since the end of Covid and for a simple reason.  Most of them only offer the most basic of services, such as a video call with a general practice doctor.

And Now Investors Are Turning to “Next Generation” Remote Diagnostics and Advanced eHealth Solutions

That’s why medical professionals and investors are looking instead to a handful of next-generation startups that are offering something far more revolutionary – bringing a comprehensive array of remote testing, AI-assisted diagnostic services, and doctor visits (including specialists) to patients who are not normally able to access routine medical tests, such as people in nursing homes or rural communities without hospitals.

Unfortunately, most of these companies are privately held and not available for investment.

As a result, UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) is getting a lot of attention.

A publicly traded company, UniDoc Health Corp. is partnering with some of the world’s biggest tech conglomerates, including Hewlett Packard, DocBox, Dedalus Healthcare Systems Group, AMD Global Telemedicine and Intel.

Together, they’re launching a new way to bring state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment services to underserved communities, thereby saving billions of dollars in unnecessary transportation and technician costs.

In the process UniDoc Health Corp. could revolutionize the practice of medicine worldwide.

The key is the walk-in H3 Smart Cube,” a standardized mini-clinic stocked with the latest diagnostic and eHealth technologies, designed for nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, pharmacies, shopping malls, and rural locations worldwide.  

Staffed by trained technicians, these remote eHealth clinics allow people who have difficulty getting doctor appointments to get quicker access to advanced diagnostic tests – from simple blood pressure and EKG readings to ultrasound scans and advanced blood work. 

Diagnostic Test Results Available at the Push of a Button

These tests are then reviewed quickly both by advanced AI-assisted software and a live physician via video link.

The use of the “H3 Smart Cube” allows doctors and specialists from remote locations to carry out accurate data collection and diagnostic tests directly, without the need to send patients to their office or centralized diagnostic facilities.  This could significantly reduce waiting times and costs associated with travel and specialist visits.

Furthermore, the devices within the “H3 Smart Cube” allow for the electronic transmission of diagnostic data to specialist doctors via compliant EMR/EHR platforms, allowing for quick and timely resolutions in emergencies.

The Benefits of UniDoc Health Corp.’s Advanced Remote Diagnostic Solutions Are Enormous

In other words, in one fell swoop UniDoc Health Corp.’s standardized, AI-assisted and FDA Compliant walk-in mini-clinics solve many of the problems now associated with healthcare in many countries.

For one thing, it could potentially save BILLIONS of dollars for healthcare corporations and over-extended government health programs.

The applications for nursing homes and military bases are obvious.  By bringing doctor access and diagnostic testing to patients rather than transporting patients to far-away testing centers, UniDoc Health Corp. could help solve the healthcare budget crisis in many organizations.

For private companies, this could result in improved profits.

What’s more, UniDoc Health Corp. could also revolutionize how doctors and technicians practice medicine, allowing many to work remotely and not be confined to windowless offices.

Doctors and technicians both could become more efficient, seeing more patients per day and vastly increasing their incomes and quality of life. 

The other benefits UniDoc Health Corp.s H3 Smart Cube mini-clinics provide include…

Why UniDoc Health Corp. Could Be the Healthcare Breakthrough the World Desperately Needs

The passage of the 2010 Affordable Care Act in the United States, popularly known as Obamacare, was supposed to address the chronic shortage of healthcare services for much of the U.S. population.

At the time, millions of Americans did not have a regular family doctor and used overcrowded emergency rooms instead for routine doctor visits or minor ailments.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed. In fact, the problem has gotten even worse.

    • According to a recent report by the National Association of Community Health Centers, fully one third of all Americans, or 100 million people, still don’t have access to a regular doctor or routine checkups.

    • Four in 10 Americans (41%) say they put off going to the doctor, primarily for financial reasons.  

    • And nearly four in ten U.S. adults between the ages of 26 and 54 report not having seen a doctor at all in the past five years.

The result is predictable:  America’s emergency rooms are now so overcrowded and understaffed that the American College of Emergency Physicians has declared a national emergency.

Rather than seeing a family doctor for routine tests or treatments, millions of people spend up to 12 hours waiting in hospital emergency rooms just to see a doctor.

"The U.S. physician shortage is only going to get worse."

The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates there will be a shortage of between 54,100 and 139,000 physicians in the U.S. alone by 2033.

Access to a Global Physician Network & Services

Plus, thanks to a recent agreement with MediOrbis, UniDoc Health Corp.’s business clients will have the ability to access a comprehensive, whole-person eHealthcare physician network.

MediOrbis is a physician–founded digital health company that provides innovative care solutions to patients.

MediOrbis is providing UniDoc Health Corp. with access to its sophisticated technology platform and physician network to help reduce the barriers of traditional medicine.  This will further extend the reach of cost–effective specialty programs and chronic disease management.

Thus, UniDoc Health Corp. has combined its AI-powered software with an independent partner network of specialty physicians delivering expert eHealth services in virtually any field of medicine.  This will meet the needs of patients as well as those of providers, payers, and healthcare systems.

A Partnership with Aboriginal Nations in North America

As proof that UniDoc Health Corp. can play a vital role in providing badly needed diagnostic and healthcare services to underserved communities, the company recently entered into a partnership with the Federation of Aboriginal Nations of the Americas (FANA).


UniDoc Health Corp. and FANA are negotiating the leasing of eHealth equipment and the licensing of related software, including its Virtual Care Solutions Model (VCSM) kiosks.


The VCSM is a proprietary customizable and comprehensive eHealth solution currently being developed by the Company.


It’s designed to integrate a range of physical products, web-based services, and AI analytical tools, along with access to the Company’s developing network of healthcare providers, pharmacies, and hospitals.

UniDoc Health Corp.’s Role in Alleviating the Catastrophic Shortage of Doctors and Nurses Worldwide

Worldwide, the growing shortage of healthcare professionals will be even more catastrophic.

A study by KPMG projects a global shortage of 2.4 million doctors and nurses by 2030.

India alone is expected to see a shortage of about 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses by 2030.

Desperate patients visit so-called “urgent” care health clinics, but these clinics typically do not perform routine diagnostic procedures such as blood tests or EKG screenings.

This is where UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) steps in.  

Incorporated in 2021, UniDoc Health Corp. is working feverishly to create a chain of easy-to-access diagnostic clinics in nursing homes, pharmacies, shopping centers, malls and community centers.

An Innovative Start-Up with the Capability to “Scale” on the Global Scale

Thanks to its partnerships with global giants such as Hewlett Packard, DocBox, Dedalus Healthcare Systems Group, AMD Global Telemedicine, and Intel, UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) is in the process of bringing its remote diagnostic solutions to communities all over the world.

The company has already begun marketing its remote diagnostic mini-clinics alongside Hewlett-Packard at medical trade fairs in Europe, the Middle East and North America.

And through its partnership with HP, it’s already working together to secure purchase orders for dozens of eHealth clinics from such disparate communities as the State of Alaska, Italy, and countries in Eastern Europe.  

An order could be 30 to 50 eHealth clinics at a time, to be set up in underserved communities across a region.

Why UniDoc is Uniquely Positioned to Dominate the eHealth Market

Improved Communications

UniDoc Health Corp.’s proprietary record-keeping and communications platform is integrated with real-time capabilities and is fully HIPAA-compliant.

Global Reach

From the beginning, UniDoc Health Corp. has seen its mission as international in scope, and so aims to negotiate distribution agreements for North America, Europe and Africa.

First-Mover Advantage

UniDoc Health Corp. is already receiving purchase orders for its advanced, next-generation medical “kiosks,” giving it a huge “first mover” advantage over any potential rivals.


UniDoc Health Corp.’s advanced Virtual eHealth Clinic Technology is already in operation, giving patients quick access to high-quality medical care.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence

The company’s advanced AI-assisted Triage Assistant helps to advise remote clinicians, giving patients real-time diagnoses and testing and alerting them to helpful follow-ups.

Existing Partnerships

UniDoc Health Corp. has already partnered with some of the biggest tech and healthcare companies in the world to bring “next generation” eHealth services to underserved populations right away. These include Hewlett Packard, DocBox, Dedalus Healthcare Systems Group, AMD Global Telemedicine, and Intel.

Do your due diligence and consider adding UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) to your speculative portfolio.

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UniDoc Health Corp. Advanced AI-Assisted eHealth Platform Has Potential to Expand Far Beyond Existing Technologies

UniDoc Health Corp.’s advanced, AI-assisted eHealth platform is also bringing standardization and seamless communication to the chaotic medical records industry.

Thanks to a partnership with DocBox, UniDoc Health Corp. integrates advanced AI and predictive algorithms with its state-of-the-art diagnostics and high-definition communications equipment.

This gives both physicians and patients fast access to high-quality care through the adoption and deployment of the very latest eHealth innovations.

Plus, once a diagnostic test provider or medical group participates in UniDoc Health Corp.’s eHealth system, the test or medical group becomes fully integrated, allowing other physicians and systems easy access to their results.

This means that UniDoc Health Corp. has the potential to become a key “hub” as new technologies, systems and diagnostic products become available.

The Essential eHealth Platform of the Future

Just as new smartphone apps today must be part of the Apple Store to reach new customers in significant numbers, so too, UniDoc Health Corp.’s proprietary eHealth platform could become equally essential in the future.

This means that advanced diagnostic tests that don’t even exist yet could become part of the UniDoc “ecosystem.”

For example, scientists are working on advanced diagnostic tests that make use of non-invasive eye-scans to detect ailments from cancer to diabetes.

When such new technologies become available, they could become UniDoc-compliant” so they could be used as part of UniDoc Health Corp.s international network of physicians, specialists, and testing centers.

And this brings a new level of “scalability” to the healthcare industry.

In fact, UniDoc Health Corp. has the potential to become “the” operating system for eHealth, as essential to remote diagnostics as the Apple operating system is for smartphones.

And with the total remote diagnostic market is currently estimated at $818.4 billion, this is an opportunity that investors shouldn’t ignore.   

Uniquely Positioned to Lead the AI and Remote Diagnostic Revolutions

UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) is one of the few remote diagnostic, and eHealth companies that is publicly traded. 

Led by CEO, president and healthcare entrepreneur Antonio Baldassarre, UniDoc Health Corp. has attracted a unique team of healthcare and technology professionals with the mission of solving the chronic shortage of diagnostic and eHealth services worldwide. 


With leadership skills in management of international operations, shareholder exit strategies, and overall business development, Baldassarre has held senior management and director positions of new business start-ups and established multinational organizations with over 30 years of experience in the Security, Information Technology and Communications industries.

In addition, Baldassarre is assisted by…


PhD, the former Chief Scientific Officer of InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc., a leading public Canadian bio-pharmaceutical company.


A professional engineer involved in managing IPO processes and transitioning businesses to post-listing operations.


A business professional with over 40 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

6 Reasons to Immediately Tell Your Broker about UniDoc

Reason #1: Huge Need

The World Health Organization and World Bank estimate that HALF of the world’s population (4.5 billion people) still don't have full access to essential health services as of 2021. In the U.S. alone, one third of Americans (100 million) don’t have access to routine checkups. A company that can help meet even a small part of this need could see explosive growth quickly.

Reason #2: A Trillion-Dollar Opportunity

The remote diagnostic industry is estimated at around $818.4 billion in 2021 and expected to grow at a rate of more than 13% annually. Forbes Magazine calls the lack of adequate healthcare services in the world “a trillion-dollar industry in the making.” Analysts estimate the global healthcare market to be worth a staggering $11.9 trillion, as of 2022.

Reason #3: Partnerships with Global Giants

UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) has already partnered with some of the world’s biggest corporations to bring eHealth and remote diagnostic services to the world’s underserved populations. These companies include Hewlett Packard, DocBox, Dedalus Healthcare Systems Group, AMD Global Telemedicine, and Intel... to name a few.

Reason #4: Massive Expansion Potential

The company is poised for massive expansion, with plans to add literally dozens of new, established technologies to its advanced, AI-assisted eHealth platform. In addition, the company’s business plan anticipates rapid expansion overseas and in rural communities in the U.S., such as more remote areas of Alaska.

Reason #5: Possible Buyout Candidate

Healthcare services companies such as UniDoc Health Corp. are often prime candidates for buyouts. Private equity buyouts in healthcare reached 855 deals and $100 billion in capital in 2018 alone—an historic high.

Reason #6: Potential Windfall Opportunity

With UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) shares now selling for less than $1 per share, this is an opportunity to acquire hundreds, even thousands of shares for a small amount of money – a potential windfall if the company captures market share first in North America and then in developing nations.

Do your due diligence and consider adding UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) to your speculative portfolio.

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Tens of Millions of Patients Worldwide Could Soon Demand This Technology

The word is getting out about UniDoc Health Corp. and its simple, cost-effective solution to the chronic shortage of doctors and testing services in underserved communities.

There have been TV and newspaper reports about the potential of remote diagnostic testing centers – especially when combined with eHealth and advanced Artificial Intelligence assistance.

And as word continues to spread, the demand for this disruptive new healthcare solution could be intense – and then all bets are off for shares in UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC).

Don’t Miss Out! Consider Loading Up on This Global Healthcare Play Before It’s Discovered by Wall Street!

Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results, and investing in small-cap companies in any industry should be considered risky.

Despite the great promise, UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) should still be considered a speculative investment. 

Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon for small-cap healthcare companies to see rapid growth in share value, handing early investors spectacular returns from their modest initial investments. In other words:  These can sometimes be very profitable opportunities.  

And with the price of many established healthcare stocks now reaching $200 to $400  per share, early-stage healthcare companies often offer attractive risk-to-reward ratios.

You can often pick up a thousand shares for a relatively modest amount.

Do your due diligence, but consider adding UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC) to your speculative portfolio.

For more information about UniDoc Health Corp. (OTC: UDOCF, CSE: UDOC), check out the company’s website


The time to investigate this UniDoc Health Corp. is now, before it captures a significant share of the healthcare market in key areas.

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